Viral Vaccines
Inactivated Vero-cell Japanese encephalitis vaccine (CC-JEV)
- New generation Vero-cell culture vaccine
- Adjuvant and preservative free
- Highly purified by column chromatography
- Good immunogenicity and safety
- Widely used in Asian countries National Immunization Program
- 1 dose/ vial
- Japanese GMP and Korean GMP complied

Inactivated polio (Salk) vaccine (IPV)
Inactivated Vero-cell Rabies vaccine (Vero-Rabies)
- High quality with WHO pre-qualification
- Good efficacy and safety
- Preservative free
- I.M. and I.D applied
- 1 dose/ vial
- WHO GMP complied

Bacterial Vaccines
Tetanus vaccine (TT)
- Good efficacy and safety
- Preservative free
- 1 dose in ampoules
- EUGMP complied

Tetanus and diphtheria vaccine (Td)
- Good efficacy and safety
- Preservative free
- 1 dose in ampoules
- EUGMP complied

Therapeutic antibody
Recombinant Rabies monoclonal antibody (Rabies mAb)
- First anti-Rabies virus human monoclonal antibody in the World
- New generation substitute of anti-Rabies immunoglobulin (HRIG and ERIG)
- Apply in Conjunction with Rabies Vaccine
- Free from animal or human origin material
- Highly potent and safe
- Confer early protection
- Highly concentrated, administration with reduced volume
- 100IU/vial